Obsidian Tooth Carving
£5.00 inc. tax
Obsidian Tooth Carving
Black Obsidian
Personal Growth | Balance | Cleansing
Raising self-awareness, Black Obsidian teaches you to honour the imperfections of being human and to embrace your flaws and weaknesses as opportunities for growth and development. Restoring a harmonious balance to the emotional body, it nurtures a sense of wholeness and power to take on life’s challenges. It’s powerful cleansing abilities absorb harmful energy from the environment and within your auric field.
Black Obsidian
Personal Growth | Balance | Cleansing
Raising self-awareness, Black Obsidian teaches you to honour the imperfections of being human and to embrace your flaws and weaknesses as opportunities for growth and development. Restoring a harmonious balance to the emotional body, it nurtures a sense of wholeness and power to take on life’s challenges. It’s powerful cleansing abilities absorb harmful energy from the environment and within your auric field.
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